What's Next? I've been coming for a while.

Maybe you are a new Christian, or perhaps you have been a Christian for a long time. There are some natural next steps we want to help you take to learn and grow in your new faith. The Christian Life is a journey, one we have to put some effort into from time to time. Here are three things you can do as you start your journey with us!
When you first came to visit OroNaz you should have stopped by the Meet & Greet table in the foyer and received your coffee mug. That's where we first met. After that first visit you came back and now have been coming more often. Your next step is to join us for a special lunch, we call it our "Get Connected" Lunch. We do these about three times a year on a Sunday, after a morning service. This is a low key, no commitment way to learn more about who we are, learn about our mission, vision and values. Why we do what we do. You will also get to know our Pastoral Staff and key Ministry Leaders. It is our hope that this lunch will wet your appetite to learn more and continue on your journey with us.
Baptism is a command of Christ to his followers. In Matthew 28:19 we are instructed as we "go, to make disciples and baptize them into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." We follow the example of Jesus, who was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. We are told in Romans 6 that baptism is a symbol of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of  Christ. That when we are immersed in the watery grave of baptism, we die to ourselves and are buried with our old sins and nature, and are raised to walk in a new life with Christ.

Baptism is a step of obedience.
It is our way of sealing our commitment to Christ and letting the world know that "it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me." Galatians 2:20
We have two groups of people who attend OroNaz, regular attenders and members. The only difference is members get to vote and hold an elected leadership role in the church. There is no special handshake or parking spot for members, in fact becoming a member of a local body identifies you with that group of believers. You become family. There are responsibilities for those who take the step to place their membership with our local body. In the Membership Class you can learn these responsibilities. It is important that those who call OroNaz their church home and become a member, know who we are and where we are going.
As a christian you are part of the universal body of Christ, as a member of OroNaz you commit yourself to this local fellowship of believers. Sign-up for the class to learn more.