It is the goal of the OroNaz Finance Team to keep this church family updated on our financial blessings and challenges. Through this expanded Financial Connection we will share biblical teachings that direct the decisions made by the CLT and we hope you can find application to your life as well.
King Solomon is often known for his wisdom and wealth during his reign over Israel. This month we’ll look at several Proverbs of Solomon that impact our personal finances.
Over the past several years, OroNaz has had a tight financial situation. We have experienced fluctuating tithes and attendance, the two primary factors that contribute to OroNaz’s finances. And yet, God has provided everything we have needed. When the Finance Team meets each month, we look for ways to diligently steward all that God has given to OroNaz, as we are instructed multiple times in Proverbs.
Proverbs 10:4 NIV “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” This verse guides us to be proactive and to work hard in all that we do.
Proverbs 21:5 “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” This verse is a reminder that any plan should be carefully thought out and intentionally made.
Proverbs 13:4 “A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.” This verse guides us to be faithful workers, day in and day out. When the work or project is aligned with God’s plan, the work will come to fruition.
These are three of many verses throughout the Bible regarding diligence. Diligence is defined as “constant and earnest effort to accomplish something.” This is an important concept when talking about finances because God is reminding us that it’s not just what you do, but also how you do it.
What we do with our finances matters to God! He gives us the blueprint for Godly living and Godly finances: develop a plan, live on less than you make, give to those in need, and give back to your local church. How we think about and manage our finances also matters to God! We shouldn’t treat our money like an afterthought; looking back at the month and wondering, “where did the money go?” Rather, God wants us to work hard at a carefully thought out plan and stick to that plan month after month.
The Finance Team at OroNaz has tried to be as transparent as possible when it comes to how we steward God’s finances. We have been working diligently to develop a financial plan that meets the needs and desires of pastors, staff, CLT and congregants alike. As we have worked diligently, OroNaz continues to find itself in a tight financial situation. And yet, God has abundantly blessed this church and its congregation! As we walk in this season, the guiding biblical principles do not change! The finance team will continue to steward every dollar that is given. We will continue to lean in to God’s word as we search and listen for His will for His church.
We are keeping the church family updated on our financial blessings and challenges. Please pray and give as God leads.
October is the 8th month of the annual budget year that runs March 2024 to February 2025. Thank you for your continued financial commitment; it is a testament to what God is doing in us and through us.
Our Pastor, CLT, Treasurer (Joey McCoy) and Finance Team welcome your questions and feedback. Please email the Finance Team at to start a conversation.
Projected budget March 2024-February 2025: $751,364
Needed for October 2024 $ 62,614
Giving for October 2024 $ 49,655
Expenses paid in October 2024 $ 49,424
Needed Year to Date $500,912
Giving Year to Date $406,207
Expenses Paid Year to Date $432,716
Shares for Others Paid Year to Date
World Evangelism Fund $22,134
Nazarene Benefits $ 8,048
Education $ 9,985
District Ministries $18,984