With $97,918.55 funds available, the Finance Team discussed that we need to use some of the money to help others, not just for ourselves. The recommendation to the Church Leadership Team was to pay a 10% tithe off the money to help others, and then use the rest in a prioritized spending plan developed last year for extra funds above the budgeted amounts. More on the prioritized spending plan later.
The Church Leadership Team approved the Finance Teams recommendation. The tithe on the forgiven amount was decided to be split in two gifts: the first 5% ($4895.93) was allocated to World Missions (NMI) to give to those in need on the mission field, the second 5% was for the same amount, and was allocated to Local Missions in our area.
Our World Missions Council (NMI) split their money and gave it to two projects:
- $2,447.97: Project 1 – NCM COVID - 19 Response: “As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is committed to acting in compassion as we respond together throughout the crisis, including the long-term needs that will go beyond immediate risks and dangers. Together, we can continue to be formed by Christ to respond in love, care, patience, devotion, and boldness.” More details at: https://www.ncm.org/covid19 [ncm.org] and https://issuu.com/ncm.magazine/docs/covid-19_digital
- $2,447.96: Project 2 – NCM The Shechem Children’s Home: “The Shechem Children’s Home is a short-term assessment center for children who are survivors of online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). This is a form of human trafficking where images or videos of children performing sexual acts are sold over the internet. It is a growing problem globally and, in the Philippines, where Shechem is located.” More details at: https://www.ncm.org/shechem
Our Local Missions designation for the other top 5% ($4895.92) was split into four gifts:- $1223.98: Gift 1 – Caring for Women Pregnancy Resource Center: Caring For Women is a nonprofit pregnancy resource center. We have helped teens and women in Butte County with free services for over 25 years. The Pregnancy Resource Center offers a friendly, caring and confidential atmosphere. More details: https://caringforwomen.life/index.htm
- $1223.98: Gift 2 –The Axiom Youth Center: The Axiom is a Youth Center in Downtown Oroville Focused on building platforms for success for students to realize and utilize their untapped potential. More details: http://www.theaxiom.org/
- $1223.98: Gift 3 –The Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition: The Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition is housed in the Hope Center to assist in-crisis individuals and families keep their homes. They work to end homelessness one individual or family at a time, whether you are in trouble of losing your housing or if you are trying to find housing. More details: https://www.facebook.com/OrovilleHomelessCoalition/
- $1223.98: Gift 4 –The Oroville Rescue Mission: The Oroville Rescue Mission is a religious non-profit organization which serves the homeless and disadvantaged in the Oroville area and its surrounding communities. It is affiliated with the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. More details: https://www.orovillerescuemission.org
Prioritized Spending Plan Distribution of Remainder: $88,126.30Last year as part of our budget process the Finance Team and CLT set up what we are calling the prioritized spending plan where extra funds above the budgeted amount would be distributed as follows: 75% ($66,095.03) was allocated to debt repayment on our construction loan, 10% ($8,812.67) has been set aside for our Maintenance Team to use on the many needs of our campus and buildings, 5% ($4,406.33) has been set aside for Local Compassionate Ministries future needs, 5% ($4,406.33) has been allocated to our NMI team for future needs, and the last 5% ($4,406.33) has been set aside for the CLT to aid our church ministries and their needs.
We have been truly blessed! We will continue to steward God’s finances to the best of our ability. Any questions feel free to email finance@oronaz.org
Joey McCoy, Treasurer and the Finance Team